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deLuna Hotels

Taking the leap from hotel to chain

Client challenge (2021-22)

The Gran Hotel Luna de Granada is an irrefutable benchmark in the city, given its history, renowned service, location and grandeur, with 366 bedrooms. During the worst months of the pandemic, it even enhanced its image by altruistically hosting healthcare workers. Based on these values and its local reputation, the owners decided to grow from an independent hotel to a hotel chain. deLuna Hotels was born. With it came changes: the executive team expanded and there was a shift in corporate mentality.

The challenge further extended to People Management since the hotel needed more qualified staff to assist with new hotel openings and promote internal talent and leadership to boost this cultural mindset change.

How Metahotel helped

From November 2021 to March 2022, Metahotel supported the leaders and their executive team with the following programme designed ad hoc for deLuna Hotels:

  • Six hospitality team coaching sessions to three directors, department managers and other managers. The aim was to optimise their work as a team and for them to be at the centre of the cultural change as a growing hotel chain.
  • Individual mentoring sessions. These sessions consisted of following up the action plans chosen during the group sessions and participants sharing their challenges.
  • A practical emotional leadership course for hotel professionals. Metahotel created online content to strengthen each participant’s leadership development.
  • 2 DIMensión© assessments, analysing the leader team’s cross-cutting aspects. We used this Metahotel tool to measure development/productivity, the team’s own image of itself and the team’s mission/purpose within the chain. Measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the process.
  • 180º measurement of five hotel leadership competencies of each participant to broaden their awareness and suggest ways to improve their professional, emotional and social skills.


    1. The department manager team’s performance and awareness improved by 7%. Team members’ satisfaction with how the team was run rose by 19%. By way of example, “involvement” went from 81.25% to 100%, becoming one of the team’s strengths.

    2. Four performance objectives and 15 actions were set using OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology. . All of which led to a mindset and culture change, and were driven by all hotel leaders, not just directors. Moreover, collaborative work tools were introduced, such as Trello, OKR and dashboards.

    1. Each of the 15 participants outlined and undertook to complete the individual improvement actions as team leader. These actions are within the 70-20-10 model (70% personal commitment, 20% agreed with their superior, 10% resources requested from the company).

Client testimonial

“Our team leaders participated in this Hotel Coaching process, transforming these diamonds in the rough with unbeatable human and professional quality. By working closely with the Metahotel team, they’re now the company’s driving force. They are already leading, championing and taking our brand, processes and corporate values to new projects we are already undertaking..”


Javier Tausía 

CEO, General Director, deLuna Hotels.

Shall we talk?